9 Hacks For Writing An Impressive Website Content
Writing an impressive article is a dream for every Web Content Writer. Some of them easily adapt the strategy, needed to write a great piece while a few fails to impress the audiences.
Wait a minute! With the word “FAIL”, we mean the scope of improvement. So, what improvement has to be made to write great content for your website, and what mistakes you should avoid while writing. Here, in this blog, we will cover the 9 crucial tips to empower you to create a great copy.
9 Content Writing Tips
1. Begin your writing with keyword research
As a web content writer, the first thing that you should do is keyword research. It helps you to know what you are writing about. Keyword analysis informs you that what Google and your target audiences are finding relevant. What’s more! You get to know your strengths and weaknesses and the areas to improve.
Moreover, thorough keyword research helps you to discover your competitor’s strategy and empowers you to optimize your content to attract potential traffic.
2. Know your target audience
That’s one of the most crucial factors. Even before writing web content, you should have a clear picture of your target audiences in your mind. In fact, you should know what common jargons they use in their profession, and mentioning those in your write-up, will create a massive impact on your audiences.
Besides, you should be well aware of where your target audiences might find you – on social media, links from other websites, email sharing, or directly through search engines. Out of all these resources, the search engine is the essential factor for which you should be highly particular while creating content. A well-optimized, researched and curated content is always liked by search engines.
3. Say a big No to keyword stuffing
Keyword stuffing happens intentionally when a novice web content writer thinks that too many keywords will drive out-of-world traffic, which never happens, and sometimes it may even happen unintentionally. Keywords are meant to make your content worthy, trustful, and searchable for Google as well as readers.
Here is what keyword stuffing does with your website – Lowers your SERP ranking, your conversion rate goes down and page reviews get a massive setback. So, avoid keyword stuffing as it doesn’t work anymore.
4. Use active voice to keep the action alive
Active voice makes your word delivery powerful, straight and punchy. Moreover, using active voices emphasizes actions in your writing, getting half work done for you.
For instance, we can say, “this article was written by me,” which is a passive voice. Now, here is how to say that sentence in an active voice, “I have written this article.” It’s simple. You just have to switch the subject and object in a sentence.
Active voices are direct and help in crafting reader-friendly sentences. Think of saying, “Yes, I can do it” (powerful and impactful), and now say “Yes, it can be done” (lousy and lacks surety).
5. Keep it short and simple
These days the attention span of your audiences is very low, writing long paragraphs and complex sentences will make it even the lowest. Keeping 40 to 50 words or less in a paragraph is sufficient to increase the readability. Moreover, you should avoid using difficult words, use catchy words instead.
A lot of tools are available online to scan your article for readability scores, based on which you can do the necessary edits to improve the content.
6. Structure the content in an inverted pyramid model
Your content should begin with fundamental information on the top and then arrange the remaining content in the subsequent sections. Simply follow most important to least important, specific, and supporting information content structure.
7. Don’t just head straight to the main topic
Writing an impressive introduction might take some time, but it’s really important to begin on a good note. Skipping straight to the point might lack engagement and a ruthless writing approach. After all your writer is there to buy a product or avail your services and if you don’t give them a reason to buy your product, they will go and buy it from somewhere else.
8. Get your article proofread by someone else
One of the most common mistakes that a web content writer do after writing is self-edit. If you are responsible for both, then you should give some gap in-between, refresh your self and then start editing. However, if possible you should prefer getting it to proofread by your peer in the organization.
9. Upskill yourself with website content writing service
You can get a winning edge by learning content writing from experts in the field. You can enhance your skills, upgrade yourself with the hottest content creation tips and grab the attention of the visitors. If you want to learn more tips on how to write impressive website content, then you can reach out to us and avail of our online website content writing services.
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